Poisson Noise Node

Left Toolbar > Generate.png Generate Nodes > Pixaflux generate Poisson Noise Poisson Noise

The Poisson Noise node generates seamless Poisson noise image where white points are distributed randomly on a black background, and no two points can be closer than a defined radius.

Out0 image


To create a new Poisson noise image:

  1. On the left toolbar choose Generator Nodes > Poisson Noise. Generate.png Generate Nodes > Pixaflux generate Poisson Noise Poisson Noise

  2. Drag the Poisson Noise icon into the Node Graph.

    Poisson Noise Node

  3. Adjust the attribute of the Poisson Noise node to modify the output image.


The Poisson noise image.

Attribute Panel

 PixaFlux Generate Poisson Noise

Position X
Sets the position of the Poisson Noise image in the Image viewport in the X coordinate. Default 0.

Position Y
Sets the position of the Poisson Noise image in the Image viewport in the Y coordinate. Default 0.

Size X
Sets the size of the Poisson Noise image. Default: 512 px width.

Size Y
Sets the size of the Poisson Noise image. Default: 512 px Height.

Minimum distance between any two points. Default: 25.

Number of times the algorithm tries to generate a new point. The higher this value, the more points will be added to the image. Default: 30.

Seamless Considers the points on the other side of the image before adding a new point. Default:1.

Seed use to generate the Perlin Noise. Default: 0.

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