Material Tile node

Left Toolbar > 3D icon Material Nodes > Resize icon Material Tile

The Material Tile node receives a material as input and moves, rotates and resizes it based on the transform attributes and creates a continuous tile repetition in a new material defined by the frame attribute.

In0 image

In2 image


To tile a material:

  1. On the left toolbar choose Material Nodes > Material Tile. Compose icon > Material Icon

  2. Drag the Material Tile icon into the Node Graph.

    Material Tile Node

  3. Connect the output of a material node into the material input in the Material Tile node.

  4. Adjust the attributes of the Material Tile node to modify the output material.


The material to be tiled.


The tiled material.

Attributes Panel

Material Tile Attributes

The position of the material.

The size of the material

The transform space type. world: The transformation is applied in world coordinates. local: The transformation is applied in local coordinates centered in the material pivot.

Translate X
Amount of pixels that the image will be translated in X.

Translate Y
Amount of pixels that the image will be translated in Y.

Degrees that the image will be rotated.

Scale X
Scales the image along the X axis.

Scale Y
Scales the image along the Y axis.

Material Nodes

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