Wave Texture node

Left Toolbar > Texture icon Texture Nodes > Wave Texture icon Wave Texture node

The Wave Texture node defines a procedural Wave texture.

In2 Img
A procedural Wave texture.


To define a Wave procedural texture:

  1. On the left toolbar choose Texture Nodes > Wave Texture. Textures icon > Wave Texture icon

  2. Drag the Wave Texture icon into the Node Graph.

    Wave Texture node

  3. Adjust the attributes of the Wave Texture node.


Procedural textures are not displayed in the Image Viewport. To preview procedural images use the Texture Preview window, and to convert them to raster images use the Render Texture node.


A procedural texture.

Attributes Panel

Wave Texture attributes

Color A
Defines the color A of the Wave texture.

Opacity A
Defines the opacity A of the Wave texture.

Color B
Defines the color B of the Wave texture.

Opacity B
Defines the opacity B of the Wave texture.

Defines the frequency of the Wave texture.

Defines the distortion of the wave. At 0.5 the wave is centered.

Defines the type wave. Linear: The wave expands parallel to the X coordinate. Cylindrical: The wave expands in a cylindrical way. Spherical: The wave expands in a spherical way.

Noise Scale
Defines the scale of the distortion produced by the wave noise.

Noise Strength
Defines the strength of the distortion produced by the wave noise.

Noise Seed
Defines the seed of the wave noise.