Circle Image


Paint Node

Left Toolbar > Create icon Create Nodes > Paint icon Paint

The Paint node allows you to

In0 Img 1

Out Img 1

The Shape node takes as input the lock image. In the shapes node a Bezier spline is drawn around the lock. The Bezier spline is rendered using the lock image as fill, and a red stroke.


To create Bezier shapes:

  1. On the left toolbar choose Create Nodes > Shapes. Create icon > Paint icon

  2. Drag the Paint icon into the Node Graph.

    Paint node

  3. Connect an input image if you need a image fill.

  4. Connect an input image if you need a mask fill.

  5. Draw the shapes in the image viewport.


Images that can be used to use as fill for the shapes.


The drawn shapes, with fill and stroke applied.

Attributes Panel

Paint attributes


Paint Layer


Left Toolbar

The paint node have this options.

Stencil Tool Stencil

Paint Tool Paint

Erase Tool Erase

Clone Tool Clone

Heal Tool Heal

Blur Tool Blur

Smudge Tool Smudge

Dodge Tool Dodge

Contrast Tool Contrast

Pick Color Tool Pick Color

Top Toolbar

The shapes node adds a toolbar to the top toolbar panel when active. This top toolbar is updated when the left toolbar tool changes, or when a new current node is activated.

Transform Top Toolbar

Transform toolbar

Edit Bezier Spline Top Toolbar

Edit Bezier toolbar

Create icon Create spline
Allows the user to create a new Bezier spline. The new Bezier spline will be added to the current shape.

Insert icon Insert spline knots
Allows the user to click a Bezier segment to insert a new control point at that specific location.

Delete icon Delete spline
;Delete: Allows the user to delete the selected control points. If all the control points of the spline are selected, the spline shape is deleted.

Break icon Break spline knots
Allows the user to break the selected control points. If the spline is closed, by breaking a control point it becomes an open spline. Breaking control points can create multiple Bezier splines.

Join icon Join spline knots
Allows the user to weld control points to connect open segments and splines.
Connect icon Connect spline knots
Allows the user to connect the open ends of one or two Bezier splines that belong to the same shape. Connecting the two open ends of a single spline effectively closes the spline.

Reverse spline Reverse spline
Reverses the selected splines. All the knots of the spline have to be selected for the reverse to take action. Double-click the spline to select all knots.

Append icon Append spline
Allows the user to pick an existing shape. The shape will be converted to a Bezier spline and added to the current shape. The selected shape will be deleted from the shapes list.