Circle Image


Warp node

Left Toolbar > Compose icon Filter Nodes > Warpicon Warp node

The Warp node applies a warp filter to the input image. The warp filter displaces the pixels in the input image to a position defined by the gradient image and the amount value.

The gradient image defines the direction of displacement.

The Warp node is a Custom Node built around the Displace Node.

In0 Image

In1 Gradient

Out0 Output

Out1 Output with iterations


To warp an image:

  1. On the left toolbar choose Filter Nodes > Warp. Filter icon > Warp icon

  2. Drag the warp icon into the Node Graph.

    Warp node

  3. Connect the output of an image node into the image input in the Warp node.

  4. Connect the output of an image node into the gradient input in the Warp node.
  5. Adjust the attributes of the Warp node to modify the output image.


The Image to be warpped.

The image that defines the direction of displacement of the pixels.


The warped image.

Attributes Panel

Warp attributes

The amount of displacement.

Nearest, linear or cubic.

Defines how to handle pixels outside range of the image
Seamless: Pixels are repeated from the other side of the image, generating an output image that can be tiled.
Mirror: Pixels are mirrored from the same side of the image.
Border: Border pixels are repeated.
Zero: Out of range pixels are set to 0.0.

Applies multiple passes of the warp filter with proportional amount values.

Blending mode of the images generated by the iteration passes. Average: The output value is the average of the iteration pass values. Maximum: The final value is the maximum of the iteration pass values. Minimum: The final value is the minimum of the iteration pass values.

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