Circle Image


Ridged Multi Noise Node

Left Toolbar > Generate.png Generate Nodes > Pixaflux generate Constant Ridged Multi Noise

The Ridged Multi Noise node generates seamless Ridged Multi noise image. By default this image is located at (0,0), size: 512 px width, 512 px height.

Add Text Img


To create a new Ridged Multi noise image:

  1. On the left toolbar choose Generator Nodes > Ridged Multi Noise. Generate.png Generate Nodes > Pixaflux generate Ridged Multi Noise Ridged Multi

  2. Drag the Ridged Multi Noise icon into the Node Graph.

    Ridged Multi Noise Node

  3. Adjust the attribute of the Ridged Multi Noise node to modify the output image.


The Ridged Multi noise image.

Attribute Panel

 PixaFlux Generate Ridged Multi Noise

Position X
Sets the position of the Ridged Multi Noise image in the Image viewport in the X coordinate. Default 0.

Position Y
Sets the position of the Ridged Multi Noise image in the Image viewport in the Y coordinate. Default 0.

Size X
Sets the size of the Ridged Multi Noise image. Default: 512 px width.

Size Y
Sets the size of the Ridged Multi Noise image. Default: 512 px Height.

Frequency X
Sets the Frequency of the Ridged Multi Noise . Default: 4.

Frequency Y
Sets the Frequency of the Ridged Multi Noise . Default: 4.

Sets the amount of detail of Ridged Multi Noise. Default: 2.

Exponent Defines the exponent of the Ridged Multi texture. Default: 1.0.

Offset Defines the offset of the Ridged Multi texture. Default: 1.0.

Gain Defines the gain of the Ridged Multi texture. Default: 2.0.

Scale Defines the scale of the Ridged Multi texture. Default: 2.12.

Auto Level
Expands the range of values in the image to cover the whole monochromatic range (0.0 to 1.0).

Random seed used to generate the Ridged Multi Noise. Default: 0.

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