Left Toolbar > Create Nodes >
Bezier Curves
The Bezier Curves node allows you to create Bezier curves.
Img 1
On the left toolbar choose Create Nodes > Bezier Curves. >
Drag the Bezier Curves icon into the Node Graph.
Click and drag in the viewport to create a new Bezier Curve.
The Bezier curve.
Create Mode
Enables the Create Bezier curves mouse mode.
Click and Drag in the viewport to create new Bezier knots.
Edit Mode
Enables the Edit curve mouse mode.
Click to select Bezier knots and handles.
Drag to move Bezier knots and handles.
Edit Insert Mode
Enables the Edit Insert Points mouse mode.
Click on the Bezier curve to insert a new Bezier knot.
Edit Connect Mode
Enables the Edit Connect mouse mode.
Click and drag a line between two open Bezier knots to connect them.
The Bezier Curves node adds a top toolbar panel when the Edit Mode is active.
Corner knots
Converts the selected points to corner knots.
Smooth knots
Converts the selected points to smooth knots.
Independent Handle knots
Converts the selected points to independent handle knots.
Collinear Handle knots
Converts the selected points to collinear handle knots.
Symmetrical Handle knots
Converts the selected points to symmetrical handle knots.
Delete Handle knots
Delete the selected points.
Break curve knots
Allows the user to break the selected knots. If the curve is closed, by breaking a knot it becomes an open curve. Breaking knots can create multiple Bezier curves.
Join curve knots
Allows the user to weld knots to connect open segments and curves.
Reverse curve
Reverses the selected curves. All the knots of the curve have to be selected for the reverse to take action. Double-click the curve to select all knots.
Append curves
Allows the user to append curves from different nodes into this node: Select a Curves node in the node graph viewport and click the Append button. The curves from the other node will be copied into this node.
Duplicate curves
Allows the user to duplicate selected curves. All the knots of the curve have to be selected for the duplicate to take action.
Active Knot
Allows the user to move the selected knot in X and Y.