From PixaFluxversion 20170319, all curves are now Node Graph Values. This means that curves can flow through nodes and be reused in different parts of the project.
Note: The previous curves workflow using the Shapes node has been deptrecated.
In the Create toolbar click the Ellipse node to create a new Ellipse curve.
In the viewport, drag the control points to move and resize the ellipse. Use the SHIFT key to preserve the aspect ratio of the ellipse. When the Radius X and Radius Y attributes are equal, the Ellipse node creates a circle.
In the Create toolbar click the Rectangle node to create a new Rectangle curve.
In the viewport, drag the control points to move and resize the rectangle. Use the SHIFT key to preserve the aspect ratio of the rectangle. When the Size X and Size Y attributes are equal, the Rectangle node creates a square.
In the Create toolbar click the Bezier Curves node to create a new Bezier curve.
Click the Create Mode button to enter the ceate curves mouse mode.
In the viewport, click and drag to create new Bezier knots. The new Bezier curve is drawn between these knots. Right click to end this curve, or click close to the first knot to close this curve.
Click the Edit Mode button to enter the edit curves mouse mode.
In the viewport click on a knot to select it. Click and drag knots to move them. Use SHIFT to select multiple knots. Double-click the curve to select all knots that belong to that curve.
When multiple knots are selected, the Transform Manipulator is displayed, allowing you to translate, rotate and scale the selected knots.
Use the Bezier Knot Type buttons to change the knot type to Corner, Smooth, Independent, Collinear and Symmetrical.
Use the Break and Join knots buttons to break and join curves.
Use the Append button to append curves from a different node into this node: Select a Curves node in the node graph viewport and click the Append button. The curves from the other node will be copied into this node.
Use the Duplicate button to duplicate all the selected curves. All the knots of the curve have to be selected for the duplicate to take action.
In the Create toolbar click the Colorize Curves node to create a new Colorize Curves node in the graph.
Connect the Ellipse node curve output to the empty input in the Colorize Curves node. Connect the Rectangle node curve output to the empty input in the Colorize Curves node. Connect the Bezier Curves node curve output to the empty input in the Colorize Curves node.
In the Curves drop down, select the Ellipse curve. This activates the Fill and Stroke properties for the Ellipse node curves. Edit the fill and stroke color and opacity.
In the Curves drop down, select the Rectangle curve. This activates the Fill and Stroke properties for the Rectangle node curves. Edit the fill and stroke color and opacity.
In the Curves drop down, select the Bezier Curves curve. This activates the Fill and Stroke properties for the Ellipse node curves. Edit the fill and stroke color and opacity.
The Colorize Curves node remembers the properties for all the input nodes it has edited. If an input changes position, or it is disconnected and connected again, the Colorize Curves node will use the properties it had the last time this input curve was edited.
In the node graph, connect the Rectangle output to a different input in the Colorize Curve node. This swaps the connections and effectively changes the Rectangle image position in the final image up or down.