Circle Image


Image Sampler node

Left Toolbar > 3D icon Compose Nodes > Resize icon Image Sampler

The Image Sampler node takes as input a source image and 3 images that control the translation and rotation of a pixel sampler, and composes a new image by sampling the source image.

Each pixel in the new output image looks for the translation and rotation values in the translationximage, translationyimage and rotation_image, and samples the input image at a point transformed by those values. The transform images are sampled in world space.

The output image has the same size and position of the input image.

For better results all input images should have the same position and size.


In0 image

In0 translation_x

In0 translation_y

In0 rotation


In2 image


To Sample an image:

  1. On the left toolbar choose Compose Nodes > Image Sampler. Compose icon > Image Sampler icon
  2. Drag the Image Sampler icon into the Node Graph. Resize node
  3. Connect the output of an image node into the image input in the Image Sampler node.
  4. Connect the input images translationx, translationy and rotation.
  5. Adjust the attributes of the Image Sampler node to modify the output image.


The image that will be sampled.

The image that defines the sampler translation in x.

The image that defines the sampler translation in y.

The image that defines the sampler rotation.


The sampled image.

Attributes Panel

Resize attributes

Translation X
Multiplier for the values defined by the tranlation_x image.

Translation X
Multiplier for the values defined by the tranlation_y image.

Multiplier for the values defined by the rotation image.

Number of samples per pixel.

Compose Nodes

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