PixaFlux is an advanced PBR Texture Composer. Improve your assets textures with the advance Node graph power of PixaFlux. PixaFlux supports Albedo-Metalness PBR workflow and Diffusse-Specular PBR workflow.
- Add Poisson Node
- Add Mesh Cells
- Add Mesh Relax
With PixaFlux you can:
- Create and edit images.
- Compose textures for 3D models.
- Create and compose textures for your Unity 5 and Unreal models.
- Convert RGB Images to Normal Images
- Use images as textures in your 3D models.
- Add Models to your PBR Texture Composition Projects
- Bake procedural textures into 3d models.
- Soften 3d model hard edges.
Getting Started
Core Concepts
User Interface
- Basic
- Common Attributes and reusable custom nodes
- Image
- Texture Compositing
- Materials
Crash Reporter