Left Toolbar > Generate Nodes >
Billow Noise
The Billow Noise node generates seamless billow noise image. By default this image is located at (0,0), size: 512 px width, 512 px height.
To create a new Billow noise image:
On the left toolbar choose Generator Nodes > Billow Noise. Generate Nodes >
Drag the Billow Noise icon into the Node Graph.
Adjust the attribute of the Billow Noise node to modify the output image.
The Billow noise image.
Position X
Sets the position of the Billow Noise image in the Image viewport in the X coordinate. Default 0.
Position Y
Sets the position of the Billow Noise image in the Image viewport in the Y coordinate. Default 0.
Size X
Sets the size of the Billow Noise image. Default: 512 px width.
Size Y
Sets the size of the Billow Noise image. Default: 512 px Height.
Frequency X
Sets the Frequency of the Billow Noise . Default: 4.
Frequency Y
Sets the Frequency of the Billow Noise . Default: 4.
Sets the scale. Default:1.
Sets the amount of detail of Billow Noise. Default: 2.
Auto Level
Expands the range of values in the image to cover the whole monochromatic range (0.0 to 1.0).
Seed use to generate the Billow Noise. Default: 0.
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