Circle Image


Perlin Blobs Node

Left Toolbar > Generate.png Generate Nodes > Pixaflux generate Constant Blobs Noise

The Blobs Noise node generates an image from a random set of metaball spheres of random radiuses that generate smooth blobs.

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To create a new blobs noise image:

  1. On the left toolbar choose Generator Nodes > Blobs Noise. Generate.png Generate Nodes > Pixaflux generate Perlin Noise Blobs

  2. Drag the Blobs Noise icon into the Node Graph.

    Perlin Noise Node

  3. Adjust the attribute of the blobs noise node to modify the output image.


The blobs noise image.

Attribute Panel

 PixaFlux Generate Blobs Noise

Position X
Sets the position of the Perlin Noise image in the Image viewport in the X coordinate.

Position Y
Sets the position of the Perlin Noise image in the Image viewport in the Y coordinate.

Size X
Sets the size of the Perlin Noise image.

Size Y
Sets the size of the Perlin Noise image.

Num Levels
Number of levels of shading. A value of gives a continuous smooth shading.

Min Radius
Minimum radius of the metaball spheres.

Max Radius Maximum radius of the metaball spheres.

Seamless If checked, the node generates a seamless tileable image.

Stretch If checked, the spheres distribution in X and Y is proportional to the size.

Seed use to generate the Perlin Noise.

Samples Defines the number of samples per pixel. The real number of samples is the square of this value (samples x samples).

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