Left Toolbar > Math Nodes > Number
The Number node allows you to enter a number as an attribute and convert it to a Node Value that can flow in the node graph.
On the left toolbar choose Math Nodes > Number. >
Drag the Number icon into the Node Graph.
Connect the Output: number.
No Inputs.
number The number value.
Constant If set to number the value returned by this node will be the number defined in the Number spinner. If set to a different constant the value returnd by this node will be the value of that constant:
pi: π
two_pi: 2.0 * π
half_pi: 0.5 * π
inv_pi: 1.0 / π
invtwopi: 1.0 / (2.0 * π)
invhalfpi: 1.0 / (0.5 * π)
degtorad: π / 180.0
radtodeg: 180.0 / π
inv_255: 1.0 / 255.0
Number The number.