Circle Image


Node Graph

The node graph defines the workflow of an image.

What Flows

In a typical nodes graph, data flows from node to node through connections, where each node modifies or completely changes the data that is flowing.

PixaFlux currently supports the following types of data in the node graph:


PixaFlux is an image editor, and images are the main data type. Nodes can create and modify images.

Procedural Textures

Procedural Textures are 3D algorithms that define colors in the 3D world. PixaFlux includes a large set of 3D procedural textures, and 2 nodes that render these textures to images: Render 3D Texture and Render 2D Texture.


Curves are bezier splines. Some nodes in PixaFlux generate procedural splines (Ellipse, Rectangle), others allow users to draw splines in the image viewport (Bezier Curves), and others render these curves as images (Curve Color, Curve Sculpt).


Nodes are the main processing units in the nodes graph. Nodes receive an input values through the input sockets, and return output values through the output sockets.

Nodes can have no input, as the Generate: Reader node, which reads a bitmap from disk and returns an image to the graph output. Nodes can have no output, as the Writer node, which is used by the user interface to display the final image.


Nodes can be connected to each other using connections. A connection goes from the output of one node to the input of another node.

Node Graph Viewport Main Page