Circle Image


Surface Groups node

Left Toolbar > 3D icon Mesh Nodes > Surface Groups Surface Groups

The Surface Groups node groups together surface elements and returns 3 images. Groups, geometry and colored.

For more information about surfaces see surface workflow.

Surface Filter In Surface

Surface Filter In Seed

Surface Filter In Color


Mesh Filter Out Groups

Mesh Filter Out Geometry

Mesh Filter Out Colored


To generate groups on a Surface:

  1. On the left toolbar choose Mesh Nodes > Surface Groups. Mesh icon > Surface Groups icon
  2. Connect the Surface Map node to a Surface value and an Image value.

Mesh Filter node


The surface value.

A surface image with the seeds for the groups.

A surface image used to color each group.


The surface value.

A surface image with the index of each group.

A surface image with the center and borders of each group.

A surface image where each group is colored from the input color image.

Attributes Panel

Surface Filter attributes

Num Groups
The number of groups in which the surface is divided.

Min Size
The minimum size of each group.

A random seed that changes the group distribution.

Random generation of group seed.

If no input seed image is used, the group seeds are randomly generated.

Surface Filter Out Groups output

Surface Filter Out Geometry output

Surface Filter Out Colored output from a Random Noise image.

Image Seed

If an image seed is used, the groups are generated from the opaque pixels of the image (alpha = 1.0). The same image can be the seed and color input.

Surface Filter Out Seed and Color input. (Black is transparent)

Surface Filter Out Colored output.

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